Thursday, August 20, 2009

One Month On...And Closing In

It's four weeks to the day that I've been here in this inverted inferno, where 'inverno' is 'Winter' and Winter is regularly above 30 degrees celsius. I've been well welcomed to this particular jungle though, no doubt about it. Despite the malevolent nature of my intended prey, hiding out in his shabby fortress somewhere in the vast interior of this countrinent (like the other Nazis before him), and the sinister, sickly signs I am beginning to apprehend that my presence, my mission, is not going unnoticed, there is an abundance of goodwill emanating from the people I call friends (though they may be fiends.) I have mentioned the mercurial figure of Leonardo, the hedonistic headcase who rarely sleeps if there is fun to be had, although I was relieved to see him looking tired for the first time last night - he actually yawned, I think, although he may have been trying to swallow a particularly tasty-looking mosquito. He was still too tired to flick out his tongue. Then there is 'Turbando' (name explained in my previous post), and his glamorous girlfriend 'K', who happens to be a relative of my own Maria and, unbeknownst to anyone but us, another undercover agent. Her cover is so deep that even she is unaware of her role. Her apartment overlooking the entire city of BH is a perfect vantage point to watch the police helicopters on their own surveillance missions and get a good look at the numerous visitors the couple receive, ostensibly for parties and social gatherings although I believe Turbando may be involved in organising late-night raids on hospitals to steal life-prolonging drugs (vital eveidence gained from Maria's former connection with and contacts in the pharmaceutical industry) - it is a leap, I'll grant you, but there can be noone in greater need of these drugs than shrivelled old prunebag Bog Mugabe. Could there be a link? I'll find out soon enough. Turbando again is nothing but friendly towards me and like the rest uses English with me despite his worries that it isn't so good. Saves me from having to embarrass myself with my lamentable Portuguese! Sometimes he gets into a rage and smashes the windows of cars and shops but I think the rage itself is a ruse and he is merely practising for the hospital raids. Talking of hospitals, there is another fascinating figure to mention at this juncture - one 'Dr Jelly', a psychiatrist with a flexible approach to life, both physically, mentally and , perhaps, morally. He is a smiling, generous-natured man and his girlfriend, Laura, (a psycholgist) a fizzing bombom of a girl. 'The Two Psychos', as I have affectionately dubbed them, are clearly influential in the group, and I suspect they may have connections with the drug raids. Finally, there is Eduardo, the 'Sandman' AKA The Bear. He is unfailingly friendly and a good source of local knowledge. I believe that there might be a secret to him, however, that forces him to work in cahoots with the others on whatever nefarious schemes they may be up to. So much work to do, to find out the truth, but I feel I'm getting closer every day...
There are disturbing occurrences happening more and more often that need to be paid attention to. I believe I am being watched myself, and that my life may already be in danger. More on this next time. Until then - ate logo!

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